This weather site will be for anyone that wants to look up the weather in this general Idaho area. If they just want to quickly look up todays temp. Or if peopl are planning a busninss, family or camping trips. This is just a place for people to get the weather.
Person 1
- Name: Nathan James
- Job title: Baskitball player
- Demographics: 27 year old that travles for games.
- Goals and tasks: To know the wather so that he can know what weahter he will be playing in.
- Quote: "Gotta protect my kicks"
Person 2
- Name: Lucas Scott
- Job title: Writer
- Demographics: 23 year old that travles for inserpation and always checkes the weather before travling.
- Goals and tasks: To know the wather so that he doesn't get stuck in bad weather so he can create the seans in his book in his real life the best that he can.
- Quote: "If there is one thing that can go wrong, its the weather"
- What kind of camping gear to have for the weekend campout.
- To know what kind of bottoms to put on, shorts or pants.
- Planning an event in the next couple days, should it be indoors our outdoors.
- Going for a get-a-way drive, and want to know if you can take the convertable or not.
- Going to take my kids to the park and want to know if they should take a jaket or not.